Laura Moore-Shay receives PMP Certification

Congratulations Laura!

Laura Moore-Shay successfully earned her PMP (Project Management Professional ) Certification. This certification reflects a significant amount of  Project Management work experience, as well as, a high level of competency of the PM tools and methodologies.The applicant for this certification must have a four-year degree, 4,500 hours leading and directing projects, and 35 hours of project management education. Breaking down the project management hours alone, the average working project manager would take close to three years to qualify.

 Here is what Laura had to say about this amazing milestone:

“This is a well-known certification across all industries. It demonstrates that EA has staff proficient, adept at managing complex and large-scale projects. It took a significant effort to go through the entire process of applying, completing, and passing this exam. Overall it feels like a big accomplishment and I’m very proud!”

And what a big accomplishment it was, Laura. Congratulations! EA is proud to see you reach this milestone in your career and we wish you all the best toward your continued successes!