Platinum Sponsorship of SWMOA 2011 Annual Symposium
For the third year running, Enterprise Automation was a Platinum Sponsor of the Southwest Membrane Operators Association’s (SWMOA) 2011 Annual Symposium in Las Vegas, Nevada. This year, Enterprise Automation presented the topic “SCADA Systems – It’s all about CONTROL!” In this interactive break-out session, operators and consultants got a hands-on introduction to the many components […]
Schneider Electric Certified Alliance Partner
Enterprise Automation is Schneider Electric’s first USA-based Certified Alliance Partner! This distinction is in recognition of the company’s experience, training, and certification on Schneider Electric’s automation product lineup, including Ampla, Vijeo Historian, Vijeo Citect (CitectSCADA), Unity Pro, Quantum, Premium, Momentum, and Unity Application Generator (UAG).
UAG has arrived!
Unity Application Generator (UAG) is coming to America! Enterprise Automation recently hosted a guest trainer from Germany for four days of custom UAG training, making us the first integrator in North America to be trained on UAG. UAG is a specialized tool which generates the PLC code for Unity Pro software, as well as the […]
2010 CSIA Executive Conference
Enterprise Automation once again attended the annual CSIA conference, this year in Seattle, Washington. The Control System Integrators Association (CSIA) is an organization dedicated to the standardization and development of the control system integrators industry. The annual conference is an excellent opportunity for Enterprise Automation to network with industry peers and improve best business and […]
Platinum Sponsorship of SWMOA 2010 Annual Symposium
For the second year running, Enterprise Automation attended the Southwest Membrane Operators Association’s (SWMOA) Annual Symposium in Carefree, Arizona, as a Platinum Sponsor and Exhibitor. Enterprise Automation demonstrated a range of control system elements and was available to answer questions from attending SWMOA members. SWMOA is dedicated to the improvement of the quality of water […]
Enterprise Automation joins the Automation Alliance Group
Following a thorough qualification and selection process, Enterprise Automation has accepted an invitation to join the Automation Alliance Group (AAG). This is a significant development for Enterprise Automation. The Alliance is owned and operated by independent systems integrators both in the USA and abroad, comprising over 400 engineers and designers and a combined sales volume […]
Citect Integration Partner of the Year!
Enterprise Automation has been named the Americas CitectSCADA Integration Partner of the Year. This prestigious award is presented to the most accomplished Citect integration partner in the Americas geography. To qualify for consideration, Enterprise Automation met several key criteria that included nominations by end-users, outstanding customer service stories, certification, engineer training, and the submission of […]
2009 CSIA Executive Conference
Enterprise Automation’s Scott Pickford and Josh Riley once again attended the annual CSIA conference, this year in Naples, Florida. The Control System Integrators Association (CSIA) is an organization dedicated to the standardization and development of the controls system integrators industry. The annual conference is an excellent opportunity for Enterprise Automation to network with industry peers […]
Enterprise Automation expands its office infrastructure
Enterprise Automation has doubled the size of its premises by leasing an adjacent office suite. Construction of the new space is now complete and includes a new conference room, lunch room, server room, offices, and doorways between the two suites. The expansion was necessary to accommodate the continued growth experienced by the company since the […]
Platinum Sponsorship of SWMOA 2009 Annual Symposium
Enterprise Automation attended the Southwest Membrane Operators Association (SWMOA) 2009 Annual Symposium in Costa Mesa, California, as a Platinum Sponsor and Exhibitor. Enterprise Automation demonstrated the SCADA system for a membrane-based water treatment plant and was available to answer questions from attending SWMOA members. SWMOA is dedicated to the improvement of the quality of water […]