Taking Your Control System to the Next Level

Digital transformation is a buzzword in the tech and business industry, but it’s become something of an inevitability. As you may or may not realize, your control system is already in this digital transformation journey, but you may need to figure out where to go next. Enterprise Automation has been a trusted resource in providing control system guidance, design, implementation, and support for 25 years and can help you take your control system to that next level.

Evolving Your Control System

The world changes quickly, and the status quo’s are being pushed daily. No matter what type of industry you’re in, you need to stay on top of the curve when it comes to digital transformation. This means ensuring your control system is up-to-date and able to handle whatever comes it’ way. Whether it’s changing technology or new regulations, your control system should be able to keep up with it all.

That’s why Enterprise Automation provides detailed planning services that help you know how best to proceed with your project(s). Whether you have just installed a SCADA System or if your system is two decades old, we look at everything from process automation analysis to data collection and reporting so we can develop an effective strategy for continuing the evolution and transformation of your control system. We also provide lifecycle management services that ensure your control system remains efficient and effective by keeping it updated with the latest technology.

Understanding what you need is the first step in moving forward. Consider a few questions to better grasp where you are on your digital transformation journey. (Write your answers down!) When was the last time a qualified consultant met with you to discuss the answers to these sorts of questions?

  1. How long has your SCADA system been running in its current state?
  2. What platform is your system based on? () Are you fairly consistent, or do you have a large variety of providers?
  3.  How is your data stored? Do you use hybrid or cloud solutions, or is everything on-premises?
  4. Do you still use 900mhz radios?
  5. Do you use fiber or copper for your network?
  6. Do you use legacy protocols?
  7. How integrated is the IT department in our OTs system?
  8. Do you use any hybrid or cloud solutions, or is everything on-premises?
  9. How large is your system? Total IO, SCADA tags, VMS, clients, users, sites, etc.?
  10. How many times do you need to enter set points in a day? Does this ever require direct access to PLC programs?
  11. Is there reliable documentation of your system?
  12. Approximately what percentage of your data is collected manually, On paper or spreadsheets, and how much is automated?
  13. Is training new staff hard and frustrating for both parties or fairly easy?

Once you go through the questions, a path forward can be discussed based on your risk and exposure. Still, have questions? We are happy to give you more insight and discuss the next steps. Our team consists of experienced professionals dedicated to helping our clients succeed in their digital transformation goals by providing expertise on all aspects of their projects from start to finish. We understand that each project is unique and requires a tailored approach, so we strive to provide personalized solutions that meet our client’s needs.

At Enterprise Automation, we have 25 years of experience helping clients achieve success through digital transformation initiatives across multiple industries, including water municipalities, manufacturers, life sciences, chemicals, power, and gas. With our expertise in control systems design, implementation, maintenance, and support services, you can rest assured that we will help get your project done right!

When it comes time to take your control system to the next level with digital transformation, don’t hesitate – contact us today