Project Profile

Annual Support Contract

City of Fresno Water Division

Customer Background

The City of Fresno operates a large potable water system that delivers drinking water to roughly 500,000 residential, commercial and industrial customers over 114 square miles. They also operate numerous treatment facilities that treat ground and surface water for residential and commercial use. A unique aspect of the City’s system is that pressure is entirely maintained by pumping zones, instead of elevated reservoirs and holding tanks.

Project Background

EA has been providing as-needed and routine support to the City of Fresno since 2014. Our scope of services has included maintaining the SCADA platforms at two surface water treatment facilities totaling 120 MGD and their distribution system which consists of 1,780 miles of pipeline, 140,992 service connections, and 260 active pump stations.

EA was the original integrator for much of the City’s automation platform at the NE SWTF and the Distribution System, which have been deployed through several projects over the past 11 years.

EA Solutions

EA provides bi-annual support visits to each site, management of the City’s automation platform software support licensing, and on-call urgent support.

The typical process for bi-annual support includes testing and deploying Microsoft updates on the City’s test platform at EA, performing on-site visual and digital health checkups on all SCADA assets, collecting CRs through operator and management interviews.

Although urgent support is included in the support contract, the City has rarely needed to use it as their systems have been highly reliable since contracting EA.

Project Manager

Project Technical Lead

Key Insights

  • Routine and urgent 10×5 support
  • Test platform management
  • Hardware and software inspections

Key Technologies

  • Modicon PLCs:
    • Momentum, Quantum, M340, M580
  • CitectSCADA HMI
  • Magelis OITs
  • Vijeo Historian
  • Wonderware Historian
  • 900 MHz MDS radios