Enterprise Automation is now VTScada Advanced & Certified

Following an extensive evaluation of Trihedral’s VTScada, Enterprise Automation has deemed the VTScada software platform to be nothing short of world class and more than worthy of joining our core offerings of SCADA solutions. To accelerate our skill level, eight Enterprise Automation engineers attended an intensive and customized advanced training course, led by a VTScada Senior Developer. Now as one of the only Advanced and Certified Southern California VTScada integrators, Enterprise Automation is excited to introduce this feature rich SCADA software platform to our clientele.



About Trihedral

For 30 years, Trihedral has been creating and refining their only software product; VTScada Software for Monitoring & Control. The VTScada software is an instantly intuitive all-in-one HMI and SCADA package for applications of any size in a wide variety of SCADA industries. In 2015, VTScada won Control Engineering Magazine’s, Engineers’ Choice Award in the HMI software category.